Whenever a person sees blood in urine, they should see their doctor right away. Blood in urine is a symptom of a variety of conditions and can be a warning sign of a serious disease. Some of the conditions that can cause blood in urine include infections, drug use, cancer and a number of other conditions. The doctor will be able to determine the cause of the blood in urine and start treatment. The treatment depends on the underlying disease and the type of hematuria.
One of the most common causes of hematuria is a urinary tract infection. A UTI is an infection in any part of the urinary tract, including the bladder and kidneys. These infections are more common in women than in men. A UTI usually clears up within a few days, but it is important to keep track of your health. Your doctor can also perform imaging tests to see if there are any additional problems in the urinary tract.
Some other causes of blood in urine include exposure to certain chemicals, drugs, certain foods, or even exercise. If you have a family history of kidney disease, you are at higher risk for urinary bleeding. Medications and drugs, like aspirin, penicillin and nitrofurantoin, can also color urine. Other causes include a certain type of cancer, a virus or a hereditary disorder of hemoglobin in red blood cells.
If your doctor thinks that you have a kidney disorder, they will perform a urinalysis. A urinalysis tests the urine for certain chemicals, bacteria, protein, and other waste products. They will also test for red blood cells. In some cases, the urine may look pink or cola-colored. In more severe cases, it may appear red or tea-colored.
If your doctor thinks you have cancer, he or she will examine your vagina and bladder and perform tests to see if there are cancer cells. This is important because cancer is often easier to treat if diagnosed at an early stage. Treatments vary by stage and may include radiation, chemotherapy, and surgery. If the cancer is in the kidneys, a urologist may recommend a procedure called lithotripsy, which breaks up the stones. If the stones are large, a urologist may recommend lithotripsy and surgery to remove them.

If your doctor finds that you have blood in your urine, they may order a urinalysis and other tests to find the cause. Your doctor will also look at your family history and other factors. If there are certain risk factors, your doctor may also order imaging tests to determine the extent of the problem. Some conditions that can cause blood in urine include kidney stones, kidney failure, urinary tract infections, endometriosis, and polycystic kidney disease.
Some women are prone to blood in urine due to a family history of kidney disease. People who have sickle cell anemia, which is a hereditary disorder of hemoglobin found in red blood cells, are also at risk of blood in urine. This disorder affects the filtering membranes of the kidney’s glomeruli.