During a physical examination, doctors can easily detect hernia symptoms. This condition is caused by the part of the intestine pushing through a weak area in the abdominal wall. These are often found in the groin, but can also occur in other locations. Hernias can cause a range of symptoms, including groin pain, swelling, and heaviness. These symptoms are relieved when the patient lies down, though they may worsen when the patient strains, bends, or lifts. If the hernia is caused by a blockage in the intestine, it can cause vomiting, constipation, or other problems. Occasionally, these symptoms may go away on their own, but hernias can also be caused by surgery, so it’s important to get them checked out as soon as possible.
A hernia can happen to anyone. They are usually caused by the weakness of the abdominal muscles, but they can occur to anyone who has an abdominal defect, including men, women, and infants. Inguinal hernias occur when the abdominal wall becomes weak at birth. This is often caused by an unsuitable birth, such as low birth weight or premature birth.
Inguinal hernias are most common in infants and newborns. Inguinal hernias can appear as a lump in the scrotum or groin, but may also be found in the bellybutton area. Inguinal hernias are easier to detect in babies when they cry or strain during bowel movement.
Hernia symptoms can be severe, and can be caused by strangulation. When the hernia is strangulated, the intestine can become stuck inside the hernia. If the hernia is large enough, it can crowd the organs in the chest, causing a serious medical emergency. A hernia can also cause an obstruction in the bloodstream, which is a life-threatening condition. If you experience severe pain or a hard bulge in the groin, you should call 911 immediately.
When a hernia occurs in the scrotum, it can cause a painful bulge that may be seen immediately after lifting heavy objects. A hernia may also be seen in the groin as a lump that flattens when the patient lies down. The hernia may not be visible until later in life, but it can develop slowly over time. This can occur with males, who may have a swollen scrotum or abdominal bulge.
Inguinal hernias may also occur as a result of chronic constipation, as well as smoking. In addition, pregnancy can cause an increase in pressure inside the abdomen. This can cause part of the intestine to push through the diaphragm, and the blood supply to that area can be blocked. The resulting lack of blood flow can cause severe pain.
Hernias can cause a wide range of discomforts, including a sharp pain or burning sensation, a dull pain that radiates up the abdomen, and heaviness. These discomforts are usually relieved when the patient lies down at night. But hernias can also cause ongoing nausea and vomiting. These symptoms can make it difficult to perform daily activities, including eating, sitting, or standing.